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  • montymaravilla3172

Serial number kaspersky endpoint security 10: Where to view license information and expiration date

- Start and end date/time of the validity period of the certificate (if the file has a digital signature), the date and the time of the signature, the name of the issuer of the certificate, information about the certificate holder, the fingerprint, public key certificate and appropriate algorithms, and the certificate serial number;

Serial number kaspersky endpoint security 10

In order to promptly detect and fix errors associated with installation, uninstallation, and updating of the product, and to record the number of users, the User agrees to provide information about the date of installation and activation of the software on the computer, type of installed license and its expiration date, identifier of the partner from whom the license was purchased, serial number of license, type of software installation on the computer (initial installation, updating, etc.) and an installation success flag or the installation error number, a unique identifier for the installation of the software on the computer, type and identifier of the application that is being updated, identifier of the update job.

We want more communication about features that we request and when they will be added to the product. For example, they can tell us what is being done about it. part, if that can be shared for the new features. We've requested that SentinelOne's agent provide more reporting on the endpoint's OS, system host, modem, and serial number. It's not able to determine this now. If the SentinelOne team can provide us with some updates about whether they're working on it, that would be useful.Also, we'd like SentinelOne to upgrade automatically. It doesn't automatically update the agent if some system has an older version of the SentinelOne. It has to be triggered from the console.

Remote monitoring of devices can be automated, giving you alerts when risk conditions occur, such as jailbreaking or the installation of unauthorized software. It is possible to display a full inventory of devices on your network in the dashboard. Details include spare storage capacity, a list of installed apps, and the serial number of the device.


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